
The Liebster Award

Happy 11th day of Blogmas!
I just heard about the Liebster award yesterday when I was nominated by Sarah Louise Porter, so delighted that someone even remembered me! I think this is a really great idea and a great way to promote each other as bloggers and discover great  new things! Here's mine, enjoy! 

1. Where were you born?
I was born in Cork but grew up in Kerry, the  Kingdom! In Ireland

2. Describe yourself in 3 words

3. What is your guilty pleasure?
It has to be Smokey Bacon Taytos! The best there is! And also my unhealthy shopping addiction. 

4. What quality do appreciate the most in others?

5. What dream do you hope to accomplish someday?
I NEED to travel the whole world and spend time on every continent

6. Three things you cannot live without? (Not people)
My iPhone, my camera and my little pooch Noah!

7. Who are your favourite bloggers?
Luanna Perez
Katia Nikolajew
Natalia Homolova
Kavita Donkersley

8. Why did you start blogging?
I basically have too many clothes piling up in my wardrobe to not be worn! I started to feel a bit bad that they weren't getting some fresh air

9. If you could live anywhere on earth where would it be?
Any European city - I love the architecture and buzz of city life

10. What would be the first thing you would do if you won the lottery?
Probably not believe it...

11. What did you want to be when you grew up?
So many things! A vet, a singer, a teacher, a ballerina, a fashion designer

Eleven random facts about me;

1. I have a lot of tattoos... numbers undisclosed!
2. My favourite colour is turquoise
3. My middle name is Noelle because I was an early Christmas present (Thanks Santa!)
4. I have broken, twisted and sprained my ankle probably over a hundred times
5. I LOVE sausage rolls
6. I secretly believe I could be a mermaid
7. I'm obsessed with Alice in Wonderland. OBSESSED.
8. I used to own a pony called Bouncer
9. I bought a puppy for £1 when I was eleven at a carboot sale
10. I'm doing my thesis on fairytales cos they're amazing
11. I HATE the gym.

The bloggers I nominate are: (these are their instagram names!)
Alexandra Guevara - ALEXANDRAGLAM 
Veronika - veronikamrl
Joy - denimjoy
Christine - Talesfromthethrift