Hello ladies and gents of the interwebs, we interrupt this programme to bring you breaking news... alright, it's literally the least breaking news on the internet but hey, I have a flair for the dramatic. I just wanted to let you all know that I'm going to be (trying at least) to have a little more structure to the blog from now one. Remember when I used to do Makeup Mondays? Kind of like that again. Since I'm back in college being an almost grown up with lots of books to read, I've cut the posting down to just twice a week rather than my previous three times a week. And, we'll be going back to the whole makeup on Mondays thing, and fashion on Fridays - do you like my alliteration? And for all the inbetween things, I'll fit them in somewhere - maybe like an occasional whatever Wednesday!? What do you guys think about that - yay or nay?
BUT I'll be properly getting in the groove of things from next week on, so I thought this post could be about something more inbetweeny, like the Sleek blogger brunch I went to last month. It was in the Stone Leaf on Leesons Street - please go there immediately and eat all the food because it is beautiful and sit on the terrace if it's not cold and/or raining because it is, also, very beautiful. Sleek were launching their brand new (and AMAZING) Cleopatras Kiss highlighting palette, Nordic Skies I-Divine palette and new Lip VIP shades. It was a great day and I got to meet loads of lovely ladies there too which was so nice finally! Plus, we go a humungous goodie bag from Sleek and The Publicity Loft - they seriously spoiled us. So that's what you have to look forward to on Monday - a rifle through my goodie bag and my thoughts on the new (and old) Sleek products I got. And I may or may not have a competition coming up at the end of all that... So make sure to keep your eyes peeled here and on my Instagram! @ciaranoelleoc