Not trying to be corny, but these are LITERALLY my new skin essentials.
I have been using a face oil for nearly a year now. My last bottle was a tiny little travel sized one from Akar - I got it as a gift, and I treasured it because that stuff is soooo expensive. I tried to be frugal with it but still used it everyday and what do ya know, I ran out. So I was ecstatic (not joking) when Essentialle emailed me asking to come to their breakfast launch cos - breakfast AND face oils?! Now that's a press launch I can get behind! BUT I had to miss out, much to my dismay, but they were still good enough to send me out two samples so I could at least try them and omg I'm so glad they got in touch cos these bad boys are the face oil holy grail.
I have super oily skin, so using a face oil always seemed counterproductive, until I finally tried one. There are dry oils, re-balancing oils, oily skin oils - I mean did you ever hear the likes?! So as I say, ECSTATIC about receiving this Remedy Multi-Active oil, which is to purify and calm problem skin. and boy oh boy does it work. I love putting this on every night (but it does make you smell like a garden!) and have honestly noticed a difference from it. My skin seems a lot clearer - of course, I still have spots but not as many, and definitely not as intense as before. 100% would recommend this for anyone with moderately problem skin!
They also kindly sent me the Revival Nectar Nourishing Oil which rehydrates and plumps, to reveal a rejuvenated, radiant and youthful complexion. I mix both oils together at night to get the best of both worlds and really, really have noticed the benefit of them!
PS a little tip which I didn't know about until recently - always put your oils on last. The oils can soak through anything, but they create a barrier through which things like serums, spot treatment and moisturiser can't get through. Good to know! Find these oils and more at!
PPS. Essentialle are ethical, sustainable and made in Britain. What's not to love?!