
Travel | Budapest Travel Diary

So, I'm back. For reals this time, I swear! I think this is a good time to get started with my travel posts, there'll be four and there'll be hella lots of pictures and a little bit of writing so it won't be too INTENSE ya get me? Starting this little series with Budapest, the first destination on our travels. We got a bus from Prague with StudentAgency which took about 8 hours but it was ok because they had TVs on the bus. It was like a plane! Plus free tea, coffee or hot chocolate. It was amazing. We got to Budapest late-ish and checked into our Airbnb which was really close to the metro station, and then the wandering started.
The first place we hit when we left out apartment was the river and the Parliament Building. At any time of the day this place is amazing but we reached it just as the sun was setting and it was beautiful!

The Chain Bridge is a must see at night when it gets all lit up. Its so cool to see and to walk across but actually looks a liiiiittle dodgy - you can see alot of rust spots and holes but hey thats what you get when you make a bridge out of chains. 
Our neighbours dog Ollie who came to visit us every morning at breakfast time. He was so fricking cute just popping up on our windowsill every day!

This was pretty cool. Just below the castle, this gigantic 0 marks the beginning of measurements from Budapest to everywhere else in the world. 

The funiculars to the top of Castle Hill. The line was INSANE, tickets are pricey and it doesn't take that long (or that much effort) just to walk up the hill.

The view from Castle Hill is amazeballs.

This statue is near the castle. I'm not exactly sure who or what it is, but it's cool. 

This is a really moving memorial to the Jews who were shot during WW2 on the banks of the Danube, leaving their shoes behind as they fell into the river. 

When in Budapest! I ate a lot of Langose in Prague but since it is Hungarian of course I had to try it here too. It's a little different, and honestly I gotta say I liked the Prague version more, but they are still deeeeeelicious. 

St Stephens Basilica 

Another monument, this time a depiction of the Iron Curtain. All along this street there are signs telling the story of revolution in Budapest, and the House of Terror museum is located just behind this monument. 
Heroes Square 
Oh man, once you go past Heroes Square into the City Park it's like going back in time. It is the pretty place I saw in Budapest and all the buildings are soooo nice! Plus there's a market there and one of the spas is located in there too

The original Anonymous

 Possibly my favourite thing from the whole visit - a day at the Spa! We went to Gellert Spa which was insanely beautiful in the indoor pools which are from 36 - 42 degrees and so relaxing. Outdoors they have a small "adventure pool" - idk what the adventure is except that it's warm - and a wave pool where we spent the majority of the time cos it was SO MUCH FUN. I would 100% recommend this spa, i know there are a few different ones around but this one was just amazing.

So, that's about it! We spent three days in Budapest and had an amazing time there, it's definitely a great spot for a weekend city break. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask and I'll try my best to answer!