Autumn is my favourite season - it's getting chillier, the leaves are turning, and the coats are out. What's not to love?!
So, I thought it would be nice to take a little walk down memory lane with you all and have a look at some of my past Autumn looks!
This was so fun to put together - to see how my style has changed over the past three years (THREE!! THREE!! WHOLE!! YEARS!!). Also, to see how often I used to post when I had just started out the blog - literally daily?! Where did I find the time? Oh yeah - I was in college and had a few very willing and very amazing friends who would take my outfit photos! Also I changed cameras so the quality definitely got a little better. But, I still have a lot of the items from even three years ago, and still wear them every time Autumn rolls around. Like the coat in the last picture - still love it so much, and all the denim jackets of course, as well as the red velvet dress which makes an annual appearance this time of year! I really do love looking back on pictures like this, do you enjoy these kinds of posts? Do you remember any of these outfits?!